Your top 5 tips to Zoom confidence!

With working from home we are seeing more people working on zoom. Have you ever had a time where you have really not liked the way you’ve looked on zoom? We have had a lot of clients come in and talk about the stresses of having to sit on zoom calls all day- not just in terms of confidence of sitting in front of the camera but the noticeable damage it is doing to their skin.  There are many things that you can change up in your skin routine to help you feel more confident and stay protected using your computer more.


Here I am going to talk about our top 5 tips to feeling more zoom confident!


1-    Having a hydrating facial- Nothing is better then having a hydrating facial that will help to boost your hydration and help your skin glow! We do a wide range of facials to cater to any skin concerns to help give you that skin confidence.


2-    Are you suffering from tired eyes from staring at the screen? Staring at the screen for long periods of time can make your eyes feel tired, dry and sore. Why not purchase one of our amazing Medical Grade Eye creams and help brighten and hydrate the eye area- Our two biggest sellers are our Environ Vita Peptide Eye gel and out Mesoesthetics Collagen Eye cream.



3-    Want to look more glam? Why not book in for our LVL lash treatment and give your eyes a more defined and open effect. This treatment lifts and straightens your own natural lashes making them look longer, more defined and opening up your eyes. 


4-    It is so important to wear SPF when sitting in front of the computer- the rays from the computer will draw out vitamins from the skins and make your skin cells unhealthy. This can make your skin feel dull and dry and can cause photoageing and pigmentation. My recommendation is to use our Pure Pressed Powder from Jane Iredale. This amazing foundation has a lovely coverage, has the approval from the Skin Cancer Foundation as a safe way to protect your skin from UV rays but it will also help to hydrate your skin.



5-    Is your neck hurting from looking at a screen all day? Well we can highly recommend booking in for monthly Deep Tissue Massage to help with posture and relieve tension from sitting at a desk all day!


To book head to and head to book now!